Learning Objective - Applying Scientific Investigation
Learning Outcomes - A student is able to:
- identify variables in a given situation,
- identify the relationship between two variables to form a hypothesis,
- design and carry out a simple experiment to test the hypothesis,
- record and present data in a suitable form,
- interpret data to draw conclusions,
- write a report on an experiment,
- practise scientific attitudes and noble values.
Scientific Investigation / Scientific Method

Gambar hanyalah hiasan
Scientific method is a body of technique of acquiring knowledge about the nature and its phenomena.
Basics Steps of Scientific Investigation
1. Identifying problem
2. Making hypothesis
3. Planning the investigation
4. Identifying and Controlling Variable
5. Conducting the experiment
6. Collecting and recording data
7. Analysing and interpreting data
8. Making conclusion
9. Preparing the report
Objective :
- State the aim of the experiment.
Problem Statement :
- Pose questions about the observations made.
- Formulate a possible explanation or prediction based on the observations
Variables :
- Identify and control the manipulated, responding and fixed (controlled) variables.
Materials & Apparatus :

- List the materials and apparatus which will be and used during the experiment.
Technique :
- State the technique involved in obtaining the results.

Gambar hanyalah hiasan
Procedure :
- Write the instructions to carry out the experiment.
- The procedures should be written using reported speech. For example, 'Examine the slide under the microscope' should be written as 'The slide is examined under the microscope'.
- Diagrams can be drawn to show the set-up of the experiment. They should be simple and two-dimensional. The apparatus should be drawn with a clear outline and labelled accordingly

Gambar hanyalah hiasan
- Present the results in the form of simple diagrams, charts, graphs or tables. Include calculations where necessary.
Discussion :
- Discuss, analyse and intepret the data obtained, then determine the relationship between the manipulated
Conclusion :
- Draw a conclusion based on the hypothesis given earlier.
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